Mood Board Analysis
The video below is an introduction of our first task , which was to produce 4 mood boards full of images that would help us further out knowledge of the rock/indie genre.
Key current music artists within the genre - (Nadia)
I have created a video to evaluate my finding from the mood board I created. I have evaluated most
aspects of the mood board and how it relates to the indie/rock genre.
The development of the Indie/Indie Rock genre over time (Ruby)-
Below is the link to click on that leads to my podcast analysis of this mood board. I decided to use the website '' to create my podcast as it was a new technology to me and I found that I could upload a voice recording straight from my phone and onto the website and then easily embed the link on to this page of the blog. Making it simply accessible to the public.
Target audience mood board (Abi)-
The video below is my analysis of my target audience mood board. I initially wanted to do an animated podcast to present my analysis but was unable to find a website that allowed this. Therefore I have created a video with the image of my mood board and me speaking as the audio.
Conventional/stereotypical representations associated with the indie/indie rock genre (Katie)-
I have created a soundcloud recording to present my findings from creating my two moodboards. This covers what I think is conventional within the indie genre and we can then go on to incorporate these conventions within our three products.
Analysis of all four mood boards - (Nadia)
I have created a sound cloud audio analysing all four mood boards. This discuss the typical conventions show and how the indie rock theme is portrayed in all aspects.
Audience research survey - Abi
In order to gain information from out target audience we as a group brainstormed some ideas for questions that we could ask our target audience , to help further our knowledge of what they find appealing in an indie/rock product. We created the survey on survey monkey , which is an online website that allows you to crate a survey and then share your survey in various different ways. Below is the link for the survey:
As our target audience are 16-25 year olds we felt that the best way to entice them to do our survey was by posting the link on the social networking sites Twitter and Instagram as these are the most popular social networking sites among this age group.
Survey analysis- Abi
Below is a video which analyses the results of the questions we asked and how each question will help us in the planning and construction stages of the coursework
Audience research
We felt that we should conduct more thorough primary audience research , therefore we interviewed members of our target audience age group in person and asked them the same questions that where asked on the survey monkey. We felt this would be a good idea as we can get more detailed and descriptive answers , which we could not get from the survey as the survey only included multiple choice questions. This will give us a deeper knowledge of what attracts out target demographic and what they are looking for in digipaks , webpages and music videos.
Audience research Video
Below is the video that we filmed as a group of our target audiences answers to our questionnaire. I have edited these pieces of footage together into one video and inserted text for each of the questions asked.
Analysis of Primary audience research
I have created a video to
Music Video production roles - Nadia and Katie
Katie and I have created a prezi with a covering audio of the different production roles needed to create a music video. We have further analysed it by creating an audio supporting each presentation slide. We thought this is an appropriate idea as it allows use show each stage of the production in a clear way. Also we are trying to vary the technology we use therefore presenting it in this format makes it clear and visual for the audience to view.
Digipak Production Roles Prezi- Ruby
This Prezi presentation demonstrates the production process of the roles and stages of how a Digipak is made within the professional media section of the music industry. I have decided to create this using a Prezi as I believe it is an interesting, visual and interactive way of presenting information.
Webpage production roles Prezi - Abi
Group analysis of primary research (Digipak)- Ruby
This is my group analysis of our primary research. I have analysed all our research on Digipaks, showing in each paragraph for every subheading how that particular aspect we reviewed in every Digipak analysed can influence our final product. I have used an Infographic to create this as I believe it portrays information well in a clear and aesthetically pleasing way, as well as demonstrating my use of technology which is needed to gain a level 4.
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